Monday, June 15, 2015
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Friday, March 6, 2015
March Currently!
Here we go!
Listening...To Netflix! This week has been so. stinking. long. After making dinner and taking my crazy pup for a walk, I deserved some guilty pleasure television while I grade. (Notice I am also enjoying writing my blog post while I procrastinate my grading.) Have you ever watched "Chopped"? Netflix has a great compilation of the show's greatest episodes. I got rid of cable about 6 months ago, (HELLLOOOOO $$$$$$$) and really only miss my Food Network and HGTV shows. I love a good cooking competition! They make it look so easy!
(And yes, I watched a few episodes of my usual F.R.I.E.N.D.S, too. Don't worry.)
Loving...My Roomie! I have had some awesome roommates. I own my home, and have had a few different family members and friends stay with me. My current awesome room-dog, my cousin, turned the big 2-5 today. (I know...just a baby!) She is one awesome chick. She is a night-shift nurse at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, and I don't know how she does it. She is amazing! (She also watches my guilty t.v. and has been known to test out GoNoodle brain breaks with me.)
Thinking...About next weekend! I can't wait to travel to Indiana for our blogger meet-up! It's gonna be a big freakin' deal! (Because who wouldn't want to hang out with teachers all weekend?? We are cool.)
Wanting: A cookie. After neglecting myself for my job over the past few years, I needed a change. I have made some drastic changes to my health within the last year, and am pretty stinking proud of myself. Now, I am slowly working my way towards a Whole30. If you are not sure what I am talking about, you can check it out here. But first, finish reading. And follow me. And comment. And be my friend. Anyone finish their first Whole30? Any tips? Testing treats do not help.
Needing: I don't think this needs much explanation. My poor kiddos (and myself) are WAY off of our schedule. We like our schedule. And testing is boring. I am excited to start our algebra unit and second half of our solar system unit next week! Time to switch it up!
Spring Break Plans: I have been half way through painting some shelves in my downstairs den for quite some time now...hopefully I will have the gumption to finish those up! I am planning to take a little trip to see my brother and visit some family friends- the best way to re-fuel for the rest of the school year!
What about you? When is your break? We have three weeks left until our sanity week!
Who else will be at our blogger meet-up in French Lick, Indiana?
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
My Teacher Hero
In elementary school, I had a wonderful APT teacher who allowed us to be creative in her classroom. Actually, she DEMANDED creativity.
When you walked into my teacher’s classroom, she had sections set up for every area of your brain to exercise: math/computers, science, and language arts/creative supplies were all readily available. Her class, to this day, had one of the best classroom economy arrangements of all time. We were paid for our work, wrote deposit slips, and entered our deposits into the way-rad early 1990’s Apple computers using a floppy disk. A REAL, LIVE, COMPUTER! It was almost as awesome as playing Oregon Trail! At the end of the quarter, we would have auctions, sales, and a classroom store where we could spend all of our loot.
We made early pioneer hard tack, touched a sheep’s brain (GROSS!), and were challenged with logic math puzzles. (I still have a soft spot for using these puzzles in my classroom, and you can often find them in my math practice packs.) We devoured Jr. Great Books, Ray Bradbury pieces, and other short stories. (One of which, Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” still haunts me today. Ok, maybe that isn’t such a good thing…)
My teacher’s favorite color was pink, and she WORE. PINK. Pink clothes. Pink shoes. Metallic pink lipstick. She marched to the beat of her own drummer, and I admired that. She was very much comfortable with who she was as a teacher, and had an obvious passion for nature and finding zest in life.
As a kid who was outgoing but sensitive, I enjoyed that outlet of creativity. My teacher’s classroom was a safe haven for me, but allowed me to be pushed to step out of my comfort zone of learning.
I am thankful for that teacher. I am thankful for the many educators, educational assistants, and other loving adults that helped me to grow as a learner, and now continue to help me grow as an educator.
Today, I continue to be amazed with the hundreds of heroes I get to work with each day. In the past year, I have been even more inspired by connecting with teachers from around the world through technology and TeachersPayTeachers. You all amaze me with your dedication and love for your students. You are all my heroes.
Who inspired you? Who continues to inspire you? Let me know in the comments below!
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